Such a fun tag!!
1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? At my house.
2- Who was with you? I had just got home from work early one morning.
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? Home pregnancy Test.
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? I freaking crapped my pants, but I knew it already.
5- Who was the first person you told? I called Jarrett and woke him up bright and early at 5 am
6-Did you plan to get pregnant? No!
7- Did you tell everyone else right away? Ya Jarrett told everyone he knew that day.
8-Was everybody happy for you? Not at first. It was a major shock
9- Did you go out and celebrate? No Jarrett had to take a load of cows to California that night and I went with his mom and sister to the Taste of Homes Cooking Show.
10- Did you want to find out the sex? Of course. I had to have everything prefectly prepared.
11- What was the sex? BOY!! Jarrett was so excited he couldn't stand it!
12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower? yes
13- If yes, who? My mom and Aunt Anne. My aunts also had a shower for me during a family party.
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? No, they were all way cute.
15- How much weight did you gain? about 40lbs (Rude question!) Tons of water weight after 40 weeks
16- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yea, but I'm still flabby around the mid-section
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? Tons of them!
18- What did you crave the most? I ate so much icecream. Gallons and gallons of Mint Chocolate Chip Icream!
19- Did you crave anything crazy? No not really.
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? Well just when people would say "Your not very big" I felt huge!
21- Were you
married at the time? No
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Not really. Around 34-36 weeks they thought that I had really bad IUGR and had to go to Provo to see a speacialist, but she said everything looked ok and it was!
23- Where were you when you went into labor?I never really went into labor!
24- Did your water break? Not by myself!
25- Who drove you to the hospital? Jarrett and I actually walked over the day I was induced
26- Did you go early or late? LATE! I was exactly 41 weeks!
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Jarrett, RN, scrub nurse, Respiratory Therapy and 3 Doctors!
28- How long were you in labor for? Forever! I was started on Sunday and didn't have him until Tuesday Night!
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain? Ya I had 3 different epidurals!
30-Did you go Natural or have a c-section? C- Section
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth? I just wanted to know if he had blond hair and who he looked like. I could hear him cry so I knew he was ok. I could see anything cause my eyes were pretty much swollen shut!
32- How big was the baby(s)? 6lb 12oz. 21 inches long.
33- Did your Husband cry? Ya he did! He started crying the when we headed back to the OR. He was so nervous I kept telling him it was going to be ok instead of the other way around.
34- What did you name the baby(s)? Ryder D. Coates
35- Does his name have any significant meaning? Jarrett was dead set on the name from the minute we found out he was a boy and D. is Jarrett's middle name. Nothing else really went with Ryder.
36- Did you have any visitors? Yep, lots of family, friends and all my co-workers dropped in!
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? No, thank goodness!
38- How old is your baby today? 5 months and 24 days.
39- When is the next one(s) coming? Who knows... Not for quite awhile though!
40-If you could, would you do it all over again? Yes, of course. I had the easiest pregnancy ever. No morning sickness ( I didn't throw up once), No compilcations and I could work up to the day I had him. And he is so worth it!
41- tag 5: Marci, Jodi, Cheryl, Andy, Wendy